Walk & Talk Groups
Hello and welcome to Lightbody Health Walk & Talk Groups.
We know that people experiencing a mental health problem can find it difficult to participate in physical activity due to feelings of anxiety and a lack of confidence. We also understand how a lack of openness around mental health and the fear of judgement and stigma can prevent people from wanting to engage in group activities.
We want to break down those barriers by offering a welcoming and inclusive walking service for everyone, our Walk & Talk groups.
You can choose from a selection of local green spaces, on a day and time that suits you, and start your journey towards mental and physical wellness with Lightbody Health!
Our aim is to highlight the important role regular activity, and the outdoors has in supporting our overall health and well-being; mentally, physically, emotionally and socially.
The great thing about walking is that it’s free, simple, accessible for all and something that can be incorporated into everyday life. We hope to help people to get and stay active while also connecting with other people in their community.
Walking with people, be it in a group setting or a one on one session, can make us feel more connected to each other, reducing loneliness and isolation.
Walking is a low risk activity that most people can do at any stage in life and can assist with staying active and independent in later life.
So whether it’s strolling through the local park or up a hill on a trek, we want to show that walking is a great way to forget your worries and start a conversation!
We want to encourage you to see the walk as time you are investing in yourself and as time and attention invested in your community.

Walk for...
Physical Health
Walking can help to prevent a range of health conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, some cancers and Alzheimer’s. It can help reduce falls in older adults, help you sleep better, help to manage pain and a wide range of long term conditions.
Social Health
Walking is a great way to improve your social health. It's been shown to combat loneliness, increase your connections with other people and help you feel connected in your community.
Mental Health
Walking has been proven to have a positive effect on our mental health too, especially if we get into green spaces to do it. Walking can increase feelings of self-esteem, improve mood, and reduce anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that what you see, hear and experience in your environment changes not only your mood, but how your nervous, endocrine and immune systems work.
The Environment
The personal benefits of walking are clear. But walking more can have a much wider effect on society too. By reducing car use and increasing walking, we can reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, creating huge environmental benefits. Communities where walking is more common have stronger local economies and more walkable environments have been linked to a better quality of life.